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Sims 2 Custom Hair

Sims 2 Custom Hair
  1. Sims 2 Custom Hair Tutorial

Mandy Hair Set; Mesh is animated,working from Child to Elder, Mesh Polycounts: Fc-3644, Vc-2469 10 Natural colors and White,all colors are named separately to choose which one you like. Explore kinadee abplanalp's board 'sims 2 custom content hair!' On Pinterest. See more ideas about Female hair, Content and Sims 2 hair.

Heeyy guys: I need help I've downloaded and installed custom content for my sims 2 game. But it won't show up in the actual game. I've tryed everything!!

It's so annoying I've read all the help and advice sites but nothing will help me. I've enabled the content and downloaded it into my sims 2 downloads file. I've checked that I have the required games for it to work and everything but it won't show!! Also no window comes up asking me about custom content when I run the game I had to go into my game options and click enabled it but it still won't work!!!:@:@ Ive spent two days now trying to get it working it's so frustrating!!!:@:@:@ Please could someone help.? Maybe you could tell me all the steps you went through to get yours in the game.? Please, please help me!! Thank you xx:.

Well this question's really out of date, but if anyone still needs help I can try.:)1st. Make sure your Downloads folder (which should be located in Users(Current User Account)DocumentsEA GamesThe Sims 2Downloads.) has a capital 'D'. So it's Downloads. Spelled just like that.2nd. Make sure you extracted the files correctly.

Once you download them, don't just throw the file into the Downloads folder. You have to extract them using WinRAR or another kind of extracting program. (Download WinRAR here:3rd. Make sure you READ ABOUT THE DOWNLOAD! Make sure you have the correct games and expansions, the right meshes, and so on.

Make sure if it says you need to download a mesh from a site, you download it! (It should say if you need a mesh in the 'Downloads' tab at modthesims2. If your downloading from xmsims, click on the photo of the download you want, and you'll get the download window.)4th. If you were downloading a Sim or a house/community lot, make sure you INSTALL IT INTO THE GAME.

SIMS AND LOTS DO NOT GO IN THE DOWNLOADS FOLDER LIKE CLOTHES, HAIR, ETC. First save the Sim or Lot to your desktop, or the destination where you first save the downloads before extracting them. Then extract the file/files. Next, double-click on the Sim or Lot. It should say if you want to install them into your game. Click install.

(Be sure to have the Sims 2 Clean Installer. It'll install Sim and Lot packages into your game with ease.

Download it here: YOU NEED THE SIMS 2 CLEAN INSTALLER FOR SIMS, HOUSES, AND LOTS. If you dont have that, a message may come up that says 'Windows cannot open this file.' If that message comes up, then you need the Sims 2 Clean Installer!)5th. Check if your Custom Content is enabled in your game.

Go into the neighborhood of your choice, and click on the 3.' S in the bottom left hand corner. Then select 'Enable Custom Content.' (I might not be dead on about the Options menu of the Sims 2, considering I've played the Sims 3 mostly now-days, but somewhere in there it DOES say Enabled Custom Content! I promise!:-) After you've enabled the content, restart your game.

YOU MUST RESTART YOUR GAME.:)6th. Do you know where to look for your content in the game?If you downloaded hair.:1. Go into Create A Sim or In a mirror click on Change Appearance.2. Your custom hair should look like this: With the little star looking thingys on the hair picture.3. If your hair you downloaded was pink, blue, bright red or some different thing other than the regulars, you might need to click on the little Star Looking Thingy next to the Red hair. Thats for different color hair, and some of your styles might be in there!For clothes.:1. Go into Create A Sim or go to a community store and click Buy or Try On2.

Your custom clothes should be under Everyday, PJ's, Underwear, Swimwear, Athletic or Outerwear if you have Seasons, considering which kind you downloaded.3. Make sure you click Outfit if you download an Outfit, and Top if you download a Top, and Pants if, well, you get it.:)4. Pay in mind not all clothes fit all Sims. Make sure you selected Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult or Adult for the correct clothing.For furniture.:1.

Go into Buy Mode.2. If you downloaded a Bed, click on the Beds. If you downloaded a Dresser, click on the Dressers. Make sure to click on the little Flower next to the Table in the main categories. Alot of the custom content downloaded goes in one of those, so make sure to check EVERYWHERE.(If your hair, clothes, or furntiture comes out looking funny, or doesn't show up at all, make sure you downloaded the mesh!)7th. If you don't know what the mesh is, it's kinda what holds the whole download together.

Without the mesh, you get, well, nothing! The mesh can be found either right with the download file, or by it. There will usually be a sign that says 'Mesh required, get here.'

Sims 2 Custom Hair

Or 'Link to Mesh' something like that. Pay in mind not all products need a mesh, so dont freak out if there isn't a mesh there!;P The product will usually tell you if it needs one or not.If every single one of these steps didnt help you, I have NO clue what to tell you. Maybe post a question at Modthesims2.com or hey, read this:That's what helped me. If your new to downlaoading content, don't worry, you'll get it.

It might not seem simple at first, but it is, trust me. Or if you've been downloading forever and ages, and you just have a problem, posting a question on a forum never hurt! GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY SIMMING!

I had this problem. I clicked the start button on the lower left of the computer screen, clicked programs/all programs button, clicked the sims 2 double deluxe (or whatever game you have), then clicked sims 2 body shop. When the body shop is loaded, click create parts then create clothing, make-up, whatever you want to download, and when that loads, click the article of that type you want to download, crate a project name for it (it can be anything. You never have to use it again), click the export button at the bottom, and then click where it will appear in. If it is clothes you can clicke everyday, formal, etc. Then click the import to game button. Now go to the sims, click enable custom content at the screen before you choose a neighbourhood, and it will appear in the game.

Sims 2 Custom Hair Tutorial

I'm sure there are other ways but that's the way I did it and it works fine for me!PS. Sims 2 Body Shop should be automatically downloaded when you download the sims game you have. I didn'y download body shop but it was on there. I have windows 7 too.

If you have win-rar, thats the real only thing you need. If you don't have it click here and get itWhen you download custom content from sites (mosthesims2,etc.) you need to extract the files.

So when you click open on the download win-rar should come up. When it comes up at the top theres different buttons, click the one that says extract files.

Then another thing will come up. Go through your files till you find sims2. Now you have to go through sims 2 and find the download file.

Once you find it a click ok. Then your done and it should be in your game! But if it isn't working you need a meash, so i'd stick with sims2.com, there not as complex.hope that helped!:).

Well, this is really late, but I'll post. Have you made a Download folder in The Sims 2 game folders?

Also, you might need winRAR. Download it, and open it.

Right click your custom content and hit 'Extract Here' if it is in a folder of it's on. If it is a Body Shop Package file. Right click it and select 'Open with'. Then 'Sims 2 Body Shop Package Installer' (Something like that.) Hit install.

The rest should be done for you. If it is a normal PACKAGE. After extracting.

It should be in the game. One more thing. Re-check the site you downloaded it from.

You might need to download a mesh!

Said I should post what I know about sim genetics, so I made this guide to hair color inheritance. I'm not an expert on this, but everything I've read indicates that I understand it correctly. So, onward!Sim Genetics and Predicting Hair ColorEvery sim has two genes, called alleles, that determine his or her hair color—one from each parent.

Blond and red hair alleles are recessive, and brown and black hair alleles are dominant, meaning they can overpower blond and red alleles. Sims obviously only display one hair color, but they can carry the genes for other hair colors, and pass them on to their children.To show how this works, I'll go through a few generations of a hypothetical legacy. For simplicity, the founder and all the heirs in this legacy will be female and marry men, though all of this applies regardless of gender.Generation 1So you create a female legacy founder with blond hair. Her alleles for hair color will look like this: bld bld. Both her alleles are for blond hair, because all CAS sims and (almost) all NPCs only have genes for the hair color they display.

They are written in lowercase letters to indicate that blond hair is recessive.She falls in love with a handsome black-haired townie ( BLK BLK) and decides to have kids.Generation 2To figure out what color the kids' hair will be, we can use a Punnett square, which is just a chart of all the possibilities. The mother's alleles are on one side, and the father's are on the other, and the square shows all the possible combinations of alleles the children could get.In this generation, every child will end up with one black allele and one blond allele, but since black hair is dominant, every child will have black hair. Kinda disappointing if you were hoping for blond children. But don't worry—the next generation will be more interesting.Generation 3One of the kids, with black hair and a recessive blond allele ( BLK bld), goes and finds a blond townie ( bld bld) to have babies with. What color hair will the babies have?This time, some of the kids will be able to get two blond alleles, meaning that they'll have blond hair. So the chances of hair colors are as follows:Black: 50%Blond: 50%Generation 4Let's say you choose another black-haired heir ( BLK bld) to give birth to the next generation.

This time, she meets a dashing redhead ( red red). Here's how their babies will turn out:Some kids will have black hair, while the others will end up with alleles for both blond and red. Since blond and red are both recessive, these kids could have either blond or red hair; the game will decide at random, with a 50-50 chance of either. The chances for this generation:Black: 50%Blond: 25%Red: 25%Generation 5This time, you pick a redheaded ( bld red) heir who marries a townie with brown hair ( BRN BRN):Because both red and blond are recessive while brown is dominant, all of the kids for this generation will have brown hair.Generation 6There are only two situations in The Sims 2 in which a child of any hair color is possible. They are:BRN bld x BLK redandBRN red x BLK bldSo, at this point in the legacy, you decide to try that out, so you have your brunette ( BRN bld) heir marry another sim, with black hair ( BLK red), who was born in-game and has a recessive red allele. It's against legacy rules, but you don't care.

Here's how their children could turn out:As with bld red sims, those with the alleles BRN BLK can have either black or brown hair. So, the chances of hair colors for the whole generation are:Black: 37.5%Brown: 37.5%Blond: 12.5%Red: 12.5%Ta da!That's the end of this example. You can use the ever-exciting Punnett squares to predict hair color for your sims, and to choose their mates strategically if you're looking for certain colors.Also, eye color! Eye color works the same way as hair color for sims. Brown and dark blue are dominant, while green, grey, and light blue are recessive. With this knowledge, you should be able to predict eye color in the same way.Tell me if you have any questions, or if I've made any mistakes!

These work differently.The face is made up of parts: brow, eyes, nose, cheek, cheekbones, jaw, ears, and one or two more that I'm forgetting. Each sim will have some of these set as dominant - it can be none, it can be all of them.Also, each of these parts generally has a different - usually 60/40 - chance of being inherited, based on gender, if they are not dominant anyway. I think eyes and noses are generally slightly more likely to be inherited from the mother, but I may be making that up.So, if you have a mother that has a marked-dominant nose and ears, and a father with marked-dominant nose and jaw and cheekbones, the kid will get the mother's ears, the father's jaw and cheekbones, the game will toss a coin for the nose, and the rest of the features will be randomly distributed, influenced by the varying chances for gender.Of course, if the mother and father have complementing dominant facial traits, you will get kids that look like clones of each other. There's nothing you can do about it (outside of editing with SimPE).That's - approximately - it. You can set the dominant features in SimPE: there's a line that will have some of them written in already, you just add to or subtract from it.More details can be found at MTS2, if you search the forums. Thanks for posting this. I actually have a question pertaining to this.

Here's how my legacy (not a 'legacy' but whatever) has gone:CAS female with BRN hair married CAS male with bld hairall children were BRN bld, showing BRN of course.BRN bld male heir married CAS female with red hairhere's the issue. ALL of their babies have been born blonde. Except for one, born brown-haired, but i had to reload a thousand times to get this.why blonde??

This doesn't make sense at all, especially given the rules you've figured out. It's confusing me x100.shouldn't the results of this union be 50% BRN, 25% bld, 25% red? Well, those numbers are only probabilities. Even though the most likely situation is for about 25% of the kids to be blond, it's still possible to get mostly blond kids, just like it's possible to flip a coin and get heads ten times in a row.

Sims 2 Custom Hair

Sometimes probability just doesn't work out the way you expect.The other thing is that you may be getting clones if you haven't been correcting for Firstborn Syndrome. The game can get stuck generating pretty much the same kid over and over, and the fix for this is to wait until your pregnant sim is about to give birth (and is wailing and all that), save and exit to the neighborhood, go into CAS and click the 'Randomize' button a bunch of times. You don't have to save any sims here, just randomize and go back to your lot. For some reason, this reshuffles the genes, so you'll be able to get a new randomly generated baby instead of a clone of the firstborn child.

Oh, I remember my main problem when doing this.For example, my Gen 2 BLK/red & BRN/grey married a guy with black hair & light blue eyes. Now, if both his genes were in fact BLK/BLK and ltbl/ltbl, then the children would be BLK/BLK, BLK/BLK, BLK/red, or BLK/red, and BRN/ltbl, BRN/ltbl, grey/ltbl, or grey/ltbl. (This is easier to envision with the charts =/) Anyways, so obviously all their children are going to have black hair, but the question is, is it possible to tell which one they are (BLK/BLK or BLK/red)?? Otherwise, I can't know until one of their recessive genes (if they even have one) shows up later. I don't know much about skintones, but I know a few things. Generally if you have one sim with skin tone 2 and one with skin tone 4, they can have kids with skin tones 2, 4, or whatever's in between, in this case 3. Custom (non-default replacement) skin tones are dominant over all of these unless they've been specifically edited to be 'genetic' (i.e.

Darker or lighter than whichever default skintones). So with your regular custom skin tones, like say a blue one, all the kids in the next generation will have it.

Then apparently it can pop up in later generations. But I'm not sure how this works because I don't use custom skin tones. But if you google you can probably find some kind of explanation of that.

Sims 2 Custom Hair